Books, books, and more books!

Books inspire us to live our lives freely and fully. They are there for us when we are lonely sad of just mad! Why not know what books are good out there!?

Monday, December 20, 2010

New books...Is it worth the price?

We all know that new books can be more pricey then ones that have been out for awhile. It is a big argument on whether it is worth the price that you have to buy them for. What do you think? Pay the extra ten dollars or wait a few months for the book to either come out in the library or to come out in paperback? It isn't a big choice in life, but it is a costly one.

Another annoynomis blogger wrote, "I actually spend more than $118 on books AND I use the library!" another wrote "The average person spends about 10 dollars on 1 book.It pretty much depends on the book." This just proves that some people spend more on books then others. This person may have been buying all of the hardcover books, or they could have waited to buy the paperbacks...Either way the situations the same. People spend a great amount on books each year while using the library. If we waited awhile to buy books in paperback it would save people hundreds of dollars each year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Anna Karenina...Is it for you?

"The first of the dual plots relates the tragic story of Anna, who falls in love with a handsome young officer. The second plot centers on the happy marriage of Konstantine Levin and his wife Kitty and is Tolstoy's vehicle for dramatizing a search for the meaning of life and a philosophy similar to his own."Another buyer says, " It has been called the greatest novel ever written and I agree." You may find these quotes and this book at these sites:

-Barns and Noble

     This books, as far as I have heard, is a great source of brilliant writing. Leo Tolstoy was a German writer who used his own experiences, but dramatized them into what he would like in life. As far as I have read this book is insightful and charming to the 1800s and I feel that even with the little bit I have read that it is full of astonishing plots and challenges for the main characters Vronsky, Levin, and Anna Karenina. It is a beautiful, cultural, and significant book showing you the lives of several characters at once.