Books, books, and more books!

Books inspire us to live our lives freely and fully. They are there for us when we are lonely sad of just mad! Why not know what books are good out there!?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Francesca Lia Block

As one of the most promising young authors, Francesca Lia Block has written tons of books dealing with fantasy and teenage drama. She show the promises of all great authors. Creditability, imagination, charm, and humor. She knows how to make her readers laugh or even cry. That takes a good author. Hopefully she will reach the top with all the other authors.

  "Author Francesca Lia Block is renowned for her groundbreaking novels and stories—postmodern, magic-realist tales that transport readers through the harsh, gritty landscapes of contemporary life to transcendent realms of the senses where love is always our saving grace."

Other readers, however find Francesca's books immature and not as unique as she wants us to believe them to be. She uses ideas that have been used before plenty of times. Vampires, ghost, or even the undead, some people find that these topics are getting over used and not worth their time to read. I, however, would feel interested enough to read her books.

"This is powerful stuff, full of love, death, anguish, and redemption. The emotional intensity, sensuality, fantasy, and mature themes (and language) that characterize Block's other work appear here as well, weaving a dark spell over readers ready to enter her universe."

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